Or, as one of your keywords googlec5f53a11c320e137.html
In my opinion, the name of this scheme already sends the wrong signals. It is supposed to be rather new, however the credible reviews available are mixed at best.

The video is presented by a guy named Allen Stone, Internet Entrepreneur. Trying to check him out is not easy, so who is he really? Sorry, but I don't have the answer and frankly, if information can't be easily found, I ask myself how credible can he be? Unless, of course, he is actually an actor as referenced in the disclaimer. He goes on to introduce you to a desperate Dollar Store Clerk, who banked in more than $ 1 k the first day he tried this scheme. As we have seen so many other times, this video tries to make you believe that you can rake in vast amounts of money, for just $ 49.- with unsubstantiated income statements, fancy car and house and what I would consider to be deceptive claims/statements, apart from the usual sob story. The "acting" is so obvious, the storyline so uncredible!

What got me to take a closer look is the fact that it is available through ClickSure and as I have written before, this does not do any scheme any favours with it's conditional money-back guarantee.

Allen let's you know that in order to make money, you need traffic. That is only partially true, because a lot of traffic doesn't mean a thing if there are no conversions. But what he rally claims is that with his system, you can get your traffic through penny cheap advertising. And it is virtually automated.

Just when you think they will reveal the "secret" you're in for a let-down. Nothing is revealed, of course. But first you must "qualify" for membership. One of the criteria is that you must keep it to yourself. Now how about that! It's all over the Internet and you should keep it to yourself? Another is you need to be committed. Well, there is a totally new concept! Just exactly you need to commit yourself to is not mentioned, except in the disclaimer where you're being informed that "Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation". We all have the dedication, desire and motivation! What exactly does his or her background mean and what does it have to do with any success using ATC?

And then comes "There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here". Great, then why should anyone buy it? After all the income statements you have been shown and in particular those of Chris, the Dollar Store Clerk, you're being informed that "This is a new system and there are no typical results".

Finally, my favorite: "You recognize any business endeavour has inherent risk for loss of capital". Certainly, if this scheme were so good and revolutionary, then why would you need to point out that you could actually loose your investment? That statement obviously also let's you know the quality of the money-back guarantee.

In summary, I would certainly not recommend anyone buy this "system" even though I have only reviewed it from the outside. If you do check other reviews, make sure they are truly independent and not by some marketer. What you will see is pretty much the same recommendation as mine.

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

If you really want to find buyers and make a nice commission, especially those that do their everyday shopping online, then go to ASN and truly cover a global market that is the largest in every aspect and it is truly free! You will never pay a single cent!

Stay Safe!

The name of this scheme (by someone named Matthew Shields) alone has already raised my suspicion and combined with the fact that there are no credible reviews to be found (most likely because it's new) and the fact that according to Scamadviser.com the real location of the website "is being hidden" as is the real owner. There may be very good reasons for that, however, for me that only adds fuel to my suspicions.

Furthermore, the video presentation is being read to you, which as I always say, implies that the target group for this scheme are either the hearing impaired and/or illiterate. At least they do let you know that you will spend 23 minutes and 7 seconds watching/reading/listening to it, which is way too long for my taste, but for the purpose of this "judge a book by it's cover" review, I did just that.

Bear in mind that this scheme is being offered for $ 1.- on a 7 days trial basis with a "100%" money-back guarantee, although the credibility of that cannot be ascertained. So, from the outset, it gives you the impression that is all you have to invest, apart from $ 10.95 per domain name and $ 4.95 per month for hosting, which they are honest enough to mention. Then comes the return/refund policy, which is for 60 days either directly from Auto Mass Profits or Safecart.com. That implies that there are further fees (on what basis?). You also have to be aware that Auto Mass Profits reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy, our Terms of Service agreement ... at any time and in any manner..."!

Even though the Terms clearly indicate that "We do not purport this as a 'get-rich-scheme', and nor should it you view it as such" that is quite difficult to do when Matthew claims "you are so close to achieving insane wealth and massive fortune faster than you ever thought possible" and shows you right off the bat his income statements, which are not substantiated, however, claims that they can be verified upon request. What that verification would look like and by whom would certainly need to tested.

Matthew claims that he's making up to $ 5,600.- a day on "pure autopilot" consistently. Now try to reconcile that with "Results vary, and as with any money-making opportunity, you could make more or less. Success in ANY money-making opportunity is a result of hard work, time and a variety of other factors. No express or implied guarantees of income are made..." and "The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system. This is a new product and system and as such there is no history of earnings from its use". I certainly can't! But maybe that's just me? With all of Matthews "verifiable upon request" income statements, there is no history of earnings?

Then Matthew gives you another variation of the usual sob story of struggling to provide for his wife and three hungry kids (I suppose his wife was not hungry?)!  He cracked the code of the super rich gurus and as a consequence was "ordered" by some mysterious leader of an underground society to join their forum... What a load of BS! As if we haven't heard that before? Why can't these guys come up with something new/different?

Matthew continually let's you know of his distaste of the gurus, who "line their pockets with your money" and because of Auto Mass Profits, these "gurus are running scared". When is this nonsense going to end?

He then let's you know that Auto Mass Profits is a 7 click technology that requires "literally no effort" and is "fool proof". So, I suppose we're back to the autopilot claim which is contradicted in the various disclaimers.

An interesting statement made by Matthew is that Auto Mass Profits is "so different from the other shady scams you've seen". I will leave that to the reader's interpretation. He goes on to say that you could be "making money 10 minutes from now". Why not "will be making money" if this scheme/system is so great and revolutionary and has all the gurus running scared? Why the disclaimer as mentioned above?

"Just fire up the software and immediately start siphoning daily cash gains as and when you please". And the amazing results of his Beta-Tester! "You can't go wrong. Auto Mass Profits won't let you". "You'll never struggle for profits again". Wow, what happened to the "The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system. This is a new product and system and as such there is no history of earnings from its use"? Obviously something doesn't jive here!

Then come the testimonials. Obviously, the name must have been changed or made up, because the picture has been blurred. Completely unsubstantiated!

Matthew states towards the end of this exhausting compilation of BS that you have seen my proof, my student's proof..." Sorry, all I have seen are unsubstantiated claims accompanied by hype and BS!

Matthews claim of any buyer having "zero risk" is in my opinion far fetched. First off, I don't believe he is selling this for just $ 1.- if in fact this system/scheme is so great. And secondly, you will still have the risk of getting stuck with the domain and hosting costs!

Let's assume that after all that hype, contradiction and outright BS this scheme actually does work. Then I ask myself, why all the deception? Why is the disclaimer needed? Why show income statements and then say "there is no history of earnings...?

Sorry, but in book this smells like serious Scam!

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

If you really want to find buyers and make a nice commission, especially those that do their everyday shopping online, then go to ASN and truly cover a global market that is the largest in every aspect and it is truly free! You will never pay a single cent!

Stay Safe!

This scheme was reportedly released only recently and what drew my attention was that it was sent to me by a renowned Scam peddler, Mack Michaels. What also raised "red flags" for me was that it is supposedly by guys named Andrew X and Winter Valko, who already have established themselves as known Scam artists and peddlers. The headline reads "Get paid $ 100 in Commissions before Xmas" while the video in the very beginning asks "How would you like to get your hands on MILLIONS of dollars worth of commissions for FREE?". Not very good marketing from the start! And if you take a look at the affiliate program, you will see that this scheme not only costs $ 39.- but is actually packed with numerous up- and downsells! Looks to me like deception at it's best!

Let's have a review of the rather lengthy video/presentation and at the statements/claims made:

- A guy named Matthew feels compelled to read the
  video presentation to you, which to me indicates that
  the target audience are either the hearing impaired
  and/or illiterates.
- "It is 100 % free"
- You are offered to get the power to "instantly launch
  an endless stream of free traffic and commissions",
- This power will "funnel massive amounts of targeted
  traffic to any website or affiliate link you like without
  ever paying a dime",
- Matthew will "reveal exactly how you can go out and
  get millions of dollars in traffic for free...",
- Unsubstantiated ClickBank and other income
  statements are shown time and again,
- Nobody has to buy anything for Matthew to get paid,
- This incredibly powerful strategy "boils down to you
  getting unlimited traffic and commissions for free",
- Then comes the usual "rags-to-riches" story,
- Matthew has a "proven 3 Step System that NEVER 
  fails to deliver an endless supply of high quality
  free traffic for free",
- Anyone can do this,
- Matthew let's you know that his system is a "genuine
  set-and-forget free money making" system,
- You can potentially make 10 million $ a year,
- "There's NO secret or hidden costs..."
- Matthew personally does give you an unconditional
  30-day money-back guarantee.

As I mentioned, the video is way too long and repetitive. Let's have a look at the facts and try to reconcile just some with the (various) disclaimers:

1. It obviously is not free and comes with numerous up-
    and downsells,

2. Matthew never reveals exactly how you can go out
    and get millions of dollars,

3. Given the fact that there are up- and downsells
    there obviously are hidden costs,

4. We don't know if Matthew is "real" or if he is an actor

5. Disclaimer: "As this is a new system, there are no
    typical results. This product does not guarantee
    income or success, and examples of the product
    owner's and other person's results do not represent
    an indication of future success or earnings". Try to
    correlate that to the claims made?

6. Disclaimer: "You recognize any business endeavour
    has inherent risk for loss of capital". That can only
    lead you to the conclusion that Matthew's money
    back guarantee is worthless!

I would think that at this point we can conclude that more likely than not, you are not going to get what you think you will get, except scammed out of $ 39.-

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

If you really want to find buyers and make a nice commission, especially those that do their everyday shopping online, then go to ASN and truly cover a global market that is the largest in every aspect and it is truly free! You will never pay a single cent!

Stay Safe!

The lead for this scheme was sent to me with the following claims/statements:

"Want a simple and proven way to generate FAST cash online?
my STEP-BY-STEP system that reveals how you can quickly own
passive *automatic* internet businesses and have each of them to be...

* Profitable * Scalable * Long-term

===>> [link] <<===

With your own "How To Make Money Online Business", you can easily:

- Start your internet business NOW

- Finally get your own business up

- Get all the free traffic you want

- Dominate the most profitable niches

- Generate automatic internet income ...and do it all in 24 hours or less!

===>> [link] <<===

MAKING MONEY ON THE INTERNET IS SIMPLE. PS. Get this now before it's too late...

To Your Success

Dawnelle Huetts"

I have no idea who Dawnelle Huetts is, just that this person is certainly not a very smart marketer, nor very proficient in and of the English Language.

According to Scamadvisor.com, this Easydollarsystem is as of today merely 22 days old. That not being bad, what it does mention is that in such a short time, it "has at some point been listed various threat websites". It also points out that "The owner of the website is using a service to hide their identity". If applicable, it certainly does raise suspicions!

Looking at the website, there are a lot of "red flags":

- Whoever has written/created this site is not identified,

- It is very thorough in pointing out what it isn't, but certainly does not give a clue as to what it is,

- It claims that it doesn' involve Affiliate Marketing, yet a ClickBank statement is shown,

- Unsubstantiated testimonials,

- Instead of the usual forms of payment (cheque, Paypal and the like) it claims to use a "special ATM card",

- There is no competition or market saturation,

- There is "no selling involved, therefore you don't need to create a ClickBank or PayPal account",

- There is "absolutely no selling, advertising or referring involved - of any kind",

- You will be shown "how to make $ 4000 every week by doing virtually nothing " in return for a fee",

- "I make the REAL money by actually using this system - not selling it",

The last statement alone is loaded, but the real question is, what does this system actually do and what does the buyer have to do, apart from "virtually nothing"? Supposedly, that question is answered only after you become a "member" and after you have paid. Sure, $ 12.- is basically not much (to loose), but as there is no Disclaimer, nor any Terms & Conditions mentioned, you really don't know what you're going to get (or not), or for that matter what they might do with your personal information (incl. your credit card details).

Only after you click on "Click here to join now" will you see that the system is being sold as "Cash Monster" through GlobeProfit and there it does mention something about a money-back guarantee, however that is totally unsubstantiated and again, there are no Terms & Conditions! Highly unsual, if not to say suspect!

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

If you really want to find buyers and make a nice commission, especially those that do their everyday shopping online, then go to ASN and truly cover a global market that is the largest in every aspect and it is truly free! You will never pay a single cent!

Stay Safe!

This scheme was reportedly released on 12.12.12 by somebody named Jason & Susan King and credible (user) reviews are not to be found (yet). Consequently I, again, am judging a book by it's cover.

It does not seem to be available through ClickBank (with a credible money-back guarantee). It is available through SWREG which is a payment processing company serving primarily software and service publishers. According to Wikipedia, "SWREG's products provide software and shareware authors a method of selling products online, with features such as direct software download and electronic license delivery." There is no real money-back guarantee involved as you would have with ClickBank.

On the website, the video right off the bat certainly does give you the impression that this a get-rich-quick scheme, in spite of what is mentioned in the disclaimer. The couple appearing in the video could be Jason & Susan King, but again, it is pointed out that actors are used and to me they certainly appear to be actors.

Among other statements/claims made, are

- the usual rags-to-riches story,

- you will be given the key to their "incredible" wealth
  (get-rich-quick scheme?)

- income claims (unsubstantiated) by means of video,
  which can't be faked (not true!)

- so-called "verified" income statements, although not
  stated by whom,

- their system makes them 100's of thousands of $ a
  month (get-rich-quick scheme?)

- Jason & Susan have made so much money, they will
  now show you how you can too... (get-rich-quick

- you don't need any experience and everything is done
  for you... (the disclaimer mentions "each individual's
  success depends on his or her background,
  dedication, desire and motivation...") 

- the scheme is centered on local businesses that you
  market for to earn a commission and this can be done
  from anywhere in the world... (Maybe so, but I highly
  doubt that),

- you will be shown exactly how the system works,

- local sniper is the most lucrative opportunity

- if you don't want to make millions within a month, this
  system is not for you...

and, and, and! Way too long and repetitive!

Now try to reconcile these statements with the disclaimer and I am sure you will agree that while the scheme may possibly be OK, the presentation is misleading and deceptive! There is no substantiation of the money-back guarantee and you are being warned that "There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize any business endeavour has inherent risk for loss of capital."

So, if you're willing to blow US$ 40.- with what is called a lifetime access (what is not mentioned which lifetime, yours or the "system"?) and after that only you will know if there are any upsells or the like, then go for it! If you're the prudent type, as I presume most of us are, then you may want to think twice, or avoid this altogether.

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

If you really want to find buyers and make a nice commission, especially those that do their everyday shopping online, then go to ASN and truly cover a global market that is the largest in every aspect and it is truly free! You will never pay a single cent!

Stay Safe!

This scheme, by/from a guy named Adrian Sanders, is rather new and consequently credible (user) reviews are hard to be found. Here is one of the few that looks believable and then the Scamadviser however raised my suspicions substantially!

The video is the usual nonsense and right from the start you see two women sitting in a jacuzzi who are obviously actresses and pretty bad at that! The disclaimer states that "in some cases" actors were used, however it is obvious that this applies to all cases.

Then you are confronted with the usual rubbish...

- Unsubstantiated ClickBank income statements,

- Earn your commissions while you're sitting in the

- fully automated system,

- Adrian screens applicants for this/his scheme who
  need to qualify and the two bimbos in the jacuzzi
  passed (make you wonder?),

The rubbish just goes on and on and you have to ask yourself why Adrian thinks that everyone is so stupid to actually buy into his scheme! The video is an outright insult to anyone's intelligence!

After you have seen all the (fake) income screen shots and all the other claims, you'll want to look at the disclaimer...

- "This is a new system and there are no typical

- "This product does not guarantee income or success"

- "Each individual's success depends on his or her
   background, dedications, desire and motivation..."

- "You recognize any business endeavour has inherent
   risk for loss of capital"

- "Simplepaystreams.com products may have unknown
   risks involved..."

- "Making decisions based on any information
   presented in our products, services, or web site,
   should be done only with the knowledge that you
   could experience significant losses, or make no
   money at all."

which ultimately negates all statements and claims made. Even if the price for this scheme may not be significant, it has to be kept in mind that the money-back guarantee is conditional and, as the disclaimer states, you will potentially loose your investment, no matter the original amount, or any other costs you may incur.

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

If you really want to find buyers and make a nice commission, especially those that do their everyday shopping online, then go to ASN and truly cover a global market that is the largest in every aspect and it is truly free! You will never pay a single cent!

Stay Safe!

I have been receiving a lot of leads to stocktips.com lately (by someone named Paul Kincaid), but none more vigorously than from Gary Ambrose, with claims which are not only outrageous, but blatantly false!

As a former banker, I know only too well the risks involved in meddling in financial markets, if you are not a true professional with ample experience. I have warned already many times about schemes such as binarydecoded.com, mybinaryrecoded.com, mybinarycode.com, etc., but this one concerns a market that is for very good reasons well regulated, primarily to protect the private/individual investor.

In this case I will start with the disclaimer and quote what I think initially are the most relevant statements:

"Stocktips.com is populated by a team of stock market researchers. The team researches stock market info online and monitors relevant lines of communication to make stock tips. The information and stock tips found on StockTips.com were compiled by individuals not licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to analyze stock or give investment advice." (Note: Stock Market Researchers are usually referred to as Analysts. They are highly qualified and in many jurisdictions need to be licensed/registered)

"We do not offer or solicit any offers to buy or sell securities." (Note: This is basically not true and contradicts the previous statement).

"Neither the owner of StockTips.com nor any of its contributors, officers, directors, contractors, agents, or employees are licensed broker-dealers, account representatives, market makers, investment bankers, investment advisers, analysts or underwriters in any jurisdiction whatsoever." (Note: This statement alone basically disqualifies the whole scheme!)

"Trading shares of such publicly traded companies carries a level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Some stock investments are considered to be of a speculative nature and because of this may carry an exceptionally high level of risk. Most penny stocks are considered to be speculative, which in theory (Note: This is not theory, it is a fact!) means that this particular class of securities carries an exceptionally high level of risk due to their small capitalization levels, low trading volumes, volatility and lack of a substantial shareholder base."

" Stock Tips often features companies within the speculative stock category with news releases, company profile, analysis and the general forecast of the company being featured. However, this is simply a forecast and, just like the weather, may not develop as expected." (Note: This I would consider completely accurate, as the background of the individuals of StockTips obviously do not have the qualification. Therefore, the weather forecast will most likely be more accurate than their forecast!)

"Before deciding to trade this type of stock, the so-called speculative stocks, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, which should take into account your level of experience and your risk appetite."
(Note: This is absolutely correct and consequently I ask myself why would I then need StockTips.com?)

"With stock trading, especially penny stock trading, we strongly urge you to consider using a broker that offers a 'stop-loss' feature with your brokerage account." (Note: That already implies that what you're getting is utter rubbish! Also, if you do have a decent broker, he/they will not only offer this feature of service, but they will/should also advise you on your planned course of investment, again deleting the need for StockTips.com!)

"Many investors, especially penny stock investors, focus on rapid growth rather than the preservation of capital, a process that may carry and extremely high risk of losses; hence, you should not invest money or other assets that you cannot afford to loose." (Note: Absolutely correct! Then why would I need to use the unqualified services of StockTips?)

"We at Stock Tips strongly urge you to be aware of all the risks associated with the volatile world that is the stock market and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts (regardless of the convincing nature of our opinion." (Note: I fully agree and state again that if I follow their advice, why would I need their service/scheme?)

"We recommend that if any such part of your investment portfolio is allocated towards speculation and growth investments, it should only contain funds that you are prepared to lose in their entirety."

The last statement is basically telling you not to buy into this scheme. Who really has funds they are prepared to lose? Also, why would I pay for this scheme? To avail me the chance of loosing any funds? Granted this scheme is fortunately available through ClickBank, however their money-back guarantee does not cover your investment losses!

The video is grossly misleading to say the least and a borderline invitation to commit an act of crime "by using their stock trading "loophole"!

True to his reputation, Gary has delivered again!

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

If you really want to find buyers and make a nice commission, especially those that do their everyday shopping online, then go to ASN and truly cover a global market that is the largest in every aspect and it is truly free! You will never pay a single cent!

Stay Safe!

This program/scheme by someone named Megan M./Chris Megan and/or Chris Freville, appears to be rather new (released Dec. 4th, 2012) and consequently there are no credible (user) reviews to be found and therefore potential buyers are easy targets here.

What set off my suspicion from the start is the headline "How I pulled in $ 1,387,789.81 by mistake" , the obvious actress in the video, who would be much better suited selling breast implants and the fact that this scheme is available through ClickSure, the money-back guarantee of which is anything but Iron-clad as claimed. Having said all that, this review is clearly judging a book by it's cover however, it's better to be safe than sorry!

But there are quite a few (more) "red flags" statements/claims that come up watching the video, which is too long and boring:

- Flashy house and car,

- Unsubstantiated income claims (I seriously doubt that
  "every effort has been made accurately represent the
  product(s) sold...) although it is stated in the
  disclaimer that any claims made can be verified, the
  only question is how and by whom.

- Commissions claims made are supposedly free of any

- Commissions claims are made on autopilot,

- Claim of a fool-proof system for making 10's of
  thousands of $ per day, with no costs and special

- the usual "random pick of people" which begs the
  question if they are actors as stated in the disclaimer
  and miraculously they make money literally within

- Unsubstantiated Testimonials (actors?) that give the
  impression they were rehearsed and/or read to you,

- The usual sob rags-to-riches story,

- The system is easy to use, takes seconds to set up
  and anyone can do it,

- The system makes you a ton of money (a hot source
  of cash),

- Too many unsubstantiated screenshots of income
  statements (always the same!)

- Now that she's made a ton of money, she is ready to
  share her system with everyone,

- No costs, no complications, no learning curves...

- The system is quick, simple and automated,

- The system is 100 % free, (actually it is not, especially
  if one can't comply with the ClickSure conditions
  precedent of their money-back guarantee!), and

- No experience, technical skills required, just follow
  simple steps/instructions.

Now this approach is certainly not new and it must be working otherwise people wouldn't be buying these kind of schemes. If they would only have a look at the disclaimer(s), they would understand that all the claims made are basically rubbish, otherwise they wouldn't need the disclaimer!

- Any claims made or examples given are believed to be
  accurate. however, should not be relied on in any

- Each individuals success depends on his or her
  background, dedication, desire and motivation as well
  as other factors...

- You recognize any business endeavour has inherent
  risk for loss of capital.

- This is a new system and there are no typical results.

- This product does not guarantee income or success.

- We do not purport this as a "Get rich schemes".

- Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in
  our materials depends on the time you devote to the
  program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your
  finances, knowledge and various skills.

- The author and publisher disclaim any warranties.

Now go and try to reconcile these with the statements and claims made. I certainly cannot. Is it worth buying this scheme? Not in my book, but I leave it up to you.

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

Stay Safe!

This copymemillionaire.com program seems to have been introduced/created by someone named Jeffrey Baxter Jr. some time in March 2012 and since there are no credible (user) reviews to be found, I decided to have a look and judge a book by it's cover.

It starts off by letting everyone know that it is a Free System, when it actually costs $ 1.- to join and subsequently $ 67.- per month.

The video presentation starts out flashy enough with enormous drum-beating and then proceeds to insult your intelligence by being read to you, as is the case with so many other of these programs/schemes.

Let's review the statements and claims made by Jeffrey :

- "This video could possibly be a threat to my life..."

- "... sharing these techniques for making money online
  is causing a disturbance in the industry amongst the

- "This is probably the only video you'll ever come
  across that will show you how to do so (make money

- "... my life is in danger because of what I am about to

- "I'm going to show you exactly how I went from broke
  and struggling marketer to now banking up to $1,200
  per day online"

- "... here is real proof of me logging into my
  account" (actually nothing is proven!)

- Jeffrey then goes on how he was invited to a secret
  meeting in a secret location with 15 of the richest
  marketers and he was forced to sign a confidentiality
  agreement which he intends to violate in order to let
  you know what "really" happened and that most likely
  they will end his life for doing so.

- "I was making this kind of income ($1,200.- per day)
  only working 30 minutes a day..."

- "I could possibly be your last hope for ever of making
  any kind of money online..."

- "... share my exact formula for pulling in massive
  profits on the Internet..."

- "The formula which will show you how to go from $
  0 to at least $ 500.- per
day online within the next
  30 days"

- Next comes a testimonial, completely
  unsubstantiated, of a Newbie plucked from the street.

- "... this exact formula is what regular people like
  you and I have been using to
make tons of cash..."

- "If you have a computer, an Internet connection and
  at least 30 minutes a day, you are qualified to

- "... I'm going to give you complete access to
  everything for FREE just cover a $ 1.- processing

- "... after you have made money with my system,
  you just pay a measly $ 67.-
per month to keep the
  software running and pumping you cash..."

- "As long as the software is running you'll be able to
  earn money while you're 
sleep, on vacation..."

- "I'm even going to throw in 1 on 1 live coaching..."

- "I'm going to personally look over your shoulders
  and make sure you get to 
$ 500.- per day online
  using the training and software that's given to

Granted, Jeffrey does give you 7 days to earn money, but how does that correlate with his earlier statement that you are going to earn $ 500.- per day within the next 30 days? I don't even want to get into his whole storyline (which has been used over and over again by so many!).

I suppose we would have to look at the Earnings Disclaimer, where it states quiet clearly that




With that being stated, I suppose that Jeffrey's 1 on 1 coaching may very well be of no use as is his training and software! I am sure you will have as hard a time as I in reconciling, especially with the statements/claims which I have shown in bold lettering.

It seems you might just be on the way of not only loosing $ 1.- as there is no money-back guarantee after the 7 days kick in and you'll be charged $ 67.- while you wait and hope for the money to roll in within the 30 days.

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

Stay Safe!

This copymemillionaire.com program seems to have been introduced/created by someone named Jeffrey Baxter Jr. some time in March 2012 and since there are no credible (user) reviews to be found, I decided to have a look and judge a book by it's cover.

It starts off by letting everyone know that it is a Free System, when it actually costs $ 1.- to join and subsequently $ 67.- per month.

The video presentation starts out flashy enough with enormous drum-beating and then proceeds to insult your intelligence by being read to you, as is the case with so many other of these programs/schemes.

Let's review the statements and claims made by Jeffrey :

- "This video could possibly be a threat to my life..."

- "... sharing these techniques for making money online
  is causing a disturbance in the industry amongst the

- "This is probably the only video you'll ever come
  across that will show you how to do so (make money

- "... my life is in danger because of what I am about to

- "I'm going to show you exactly how I went from broke
  and struggling marketer to now banking up to $1,200
  per day online"

- "... here is real proof of me logging into my
  account" (actually nothing is proven!)

- Jeffrey then goes on how he was invited to a secret
  meeting in a secret location with 15 of the richest
  markers and he was forced to sign a confidentiality
  agreement which he intends to violate in order to let
  you know what "really" happened and that most likely
  they will end his life for doing so.

- "I was making this kind of income ($1,200.- per day)
  only working 30 minutes a day..."

- "I could possibly be your last hope for ever of making
  any kind of money online..."

- "... share my exact formula for pulling in massive
  profits on the Internet..."

- "The formula which will show you how to go from $
  0 to at least $ 500.- per
day online within the next
  30 days"

- Next comes a testimonial, completely
  unsubstantiated, of a Newbie plucked from the street.

- "... this exact formula is what regular people like
  you and I have been using to
make tons of cash..."

- "If you have a computer, an Internet connection and
  at least 30 minutes a day, you are qualified to

- "... I'm going to give you complete access to
  everything for FREE just cover a $ 1.- processing

- "... after you have made money with my system,
  you just pay a measly $ 67.-
per month to keep the
  software running and pumping you cash..."

- "As long as the software is running you'll be able to
  earn money while you're 
sleep, on vacation..."

- "I'm even going to throw in 1 on 1 live coaching..."

- "I'm going to personally look over your shoulders
  and make sure you get to 
$ 500.- per day online
  using the training and software that's given to

Granted, Jeffrey does give you 7 days to earn money, but how does that correlate with his earlier statement that you are going to earn $ 500.- per day within the next 30 days? I don't even want to get into his whole storyline (which has been used over and over again by so many!).

I suppose we would have to look at the Earnings Disclaimer, where it states quiet clearly that




With that being stated, I suppose that Jeffrey's 1 on 1 coaching may very well be of no use as is his training and software! I am sure you will have as hard a time as I in reconciling, especially with the statements/claims which I have shown in bold lettering.

It seems you might just be on the way of not only loosing $ 1.- as there is no money-back guarantee after the 7 days kick in and you'll be charged $ 67.- while you wait and hope for the money to roll in within the 30 days.

In order to avoid becoming a Victim of Scam, please refer to www.internetadvisor.weebly.com and www.scamhunter.weebly.com. If you have any particular program/scheme you want me to research, please contact me.

Stay Safe!